
Wakata t1_j3rswmi wrote

People are really poorly informed on the situation in Peru, with piss-poor reporting on a complicated situation there. Most people on Reddit seem to think these are Castillo supporters, when in reality these are mostly just pissed-off indigenous people who are tired of having a clusterfuck government (and tired of government-approved mines polluting their water).

Peru has had 7 presidents since 2017 (tl;dr: vote buying scandal, money laundering scandal, resignations, votes of no confidence, impeachments, imprisonments, multiple constitutional crises) amid economic instability, COVID-19, periodic mass unrest and a low-level civil war between the government and Shining Path for the last few decades. There's plenty to be mad about, especially for members of an ethnic minority who have faced systemic persecution (particularly as it pertains to environmental activism re: mining activities and pollution of Lake Titicaca).


Wakata t1_j3rpncf wrote

What this headline (and, to a lesser degree, the article itself) is going out of its way to not mention is that these dead were unarmed protesters, likely Aymara, and they were shot by police. The contrast between all these vague, detail-sparse '17 dead in clashes' type articles, when it's not a typical 'boogeyman government' doing it, and the 'Deaths reported as security forces open fire on protesters in Iran' type articles is pretty stark. Call it what it is.


Wakata t1_itxqmz8 wrote

The article implies that the fellow inmates he talked to got in touch with Kurdish media after their release and brought attention to his arrest, good on them if so.. hope he ends up ok, and best of luck to all the people of Iran