
WalterS0bchack t1_jee23ac wrote

Except that's not actually the case. People with genuine mobility issues can get personal medical mobility scooters. If you actually watch who uses scooters in DC 99% are tourists not commuters and definitely not physically impaired folks.


WalterS0bchack t1_jee1y4a wrote

Not good enough. DC already has that law and scooters still litter the sidewalks Scooter companies need to follow the same rules as CityBike. Have city-approved docking/charging stations that scooters must be docked in and impound any left in the street. And charge the scooter users a fine tonpay for the impound workers.

Funny how you almost never see a CityBike abandoned but Lime and Uber bikes are just discarded on the sidewalk like trash.


WalterS0bchack t1_jec5ukl wrote

Gestapo? Scooters litter the sidewalks, forming tripping hazards, making it hard for wheelchairs to get by and just generally making the city look uglier. Would love to see the city actually impound these trashy shitmobiles.