
WanderingVerses t1_je7q0dj wrote

Reply to comment by imzelda in AI and Schools by SnaxFax-was-taken

Agreed. Fellow teacher here, preparing our kiddos for the world they will navigate as adults is part of our job. As is teaching them how to share, socialize, negotiate, win, lose, and pick themselves up with dignity. Things an AI can’t do. Our pandemic school escapades taught the world that children need human teachers, one because they are not mature enough to be self directed, and second, because they are not self-actualized. AI does not have a body (yet), it doesn’t have the dexterity to show a student how to hold a pencil, or help them find a permission slip that is lost in the depths of their backpack.

AI will change many things, but the humanity in teaching is safe, for now.