
Warm_Water_5480 t1_j6chylo wrote

I really don't like comments like this. Yes, you knew this, so did I, so do most people, but this person didn't, until now or fairly recently. It's not thier fault that they never learned and internalized this fact until recently, it just simply didn't happen. I get that it's not original, but they're just learning man, not everyone knows all the same stuff. Belittling doesn't accomplish much.


Warm_Water_5480 t1_j5sci4s wrote

Who's magically filling your tank when you're not looking? Combustible engines aren't some magical force, they're a well known human advancement. I feel like even the layman knows in principal that pistons compress petrol into a gas, then ignite that gas with a spark plug causing a tiny explosion forcing the piston back down, generating movement. Obviously as things get burned up they change chemical composition and can no longer be used for the original purpose, it's a pretty fundamental understanding. When you put a log into a fire, you can't use that log infinitely, you have to keep adding fuel to the fire.