
Washout22 t1_jaao9ro wrote

North America has plenty of food and other natural resources. Lots of navigable rivers, and better demographics.

We have more purchasing power per capita.

China is in for a world of hurt as the USA and West decouples.

Globalization helped China immensely. They're now trying to pivot to a service based economy with half the population in poverty.

I have no issue with China, but they're not in a good spot


Washout22 t1_j9d0gaj wrote

Capex of 5 billion a year and revenue of 25 billion when the constellation is complete.

They already have over a million users.

It's expected that starlink will carry 50% of global rural internet access once it's complete.

Each v2 satellite is an additional 480 gbps.

The amount of global customers will be in the billions once its scaled. The price is coming down.

This price point is for global access, it's much cheaper for stationary access, as the price is country dependent.

It's a huge money maker.