
Waste_Vegetable8974 t1_jegwh0u wrote

There's a huge insecurity going on here and you dont know what it is. I'm guessing he's convinced himself you're going to cheat and possible also discovered something about himself he really doesn't like. It sounds like going could potentially cost you your marriage here so do consider that carefully. Maybe have a chat and get him to seek counselling in return for you delaying the trip. This place will almost certainly tell you your husband can screw himself and just go of course.


Waste_Vegetable8974 t1_jaex93w wrote

Hmm. I think that you have to get him to engage in a difficult conversation here and I'm afraid I don't know how you can start it. But you have to make him listen and understand that he's being very unfair in denying you personal satisfaction from your relationship. At least with the foreplay stuff you have a starting point as he already does that and should be willing to extend it for your benefit. Then take one very small step at a time into your new sexual world.