
Wazula23 t1_j9p3zsp wrote

He definitely puts in the work and choose excellent projects. I know I'm getting at least quality and effort when Leo's attached.

I also think he has fantastic focus and commitment as an actor. He "acts without ego", if that makes sense. Hes happy to play characters who are flawed, naked, vulnerable, slovenly, creepy, or gross. And hes very good at using his own handsomeness to enhance all of that.

His main defect is his voice, I think. Hes very good at accents but he can't always shake that essential boyish quality to his voice. I liked him in Revenent but I couldn't shake how it was Leo's unchanging Romeo voice invoking all these mountain oaths at me.

I like him. I like the work he does. I think he'll always be somewhat on the "movie star" side of things rather than the pure "actor" category, but hes one of the best at it. Like Cary Grant or Robert Redford, perhaps not a chameleon but a fantastic and magnetic lead.


Wazula23 t1_j6ih2s0 wrote

As a depressed person, the overall unlikability of everyone works for me. It puts you in the mind of someone who wants to cut people out of her life and sleep all day. It makes weddings feel artificial and married life feel like a prison. It makes an inbound death planet feel like an escape.

It's not about sympathy. It's about putting you in the headspace of severe depression. If you don't want that experience then that's completely reasonable, and I recommend you skip this movie, because that's the intention and it's very effective at it.