
WeetWoo97 t1_jdvbqkr wrote

Opened within the last year. Not the worst pricing plan I’ve ever seen, but then again, I’m working on a student budget. Might be worth checking out, even just for the change of scenery. Admittedly, I’ve never been so I’m not sure just how great it is (space, sound, etc), but I have yet to hear anything explicitly bad about it!


WeetWoo97 t1_jdvbg2l wrote

Week 3 of new big adult job (while I’m finishing my masters). WFH while I do laundry and catch up on my Sunday reset—cleaning.


WeetWoo97 t1_ja5h7mw wrote

Reply to comment by systematical in Thoughts On Fallout? by RVAcenobites

Came here to say all of this. Everyone I met there was extremely welcoming and respectful. Sure, you’ll have bad apples who act poorly, but they’re probably not members/are probably too drunk. I recommend it there!


WeetWoo97 t1_j560fll wrote

After the family visited town this week, I seem to have caught a classic head cold. Being sick sucks, especially since grad school classes started back up this week. Womp womp.


WeetWoo97 t1_j1kbnqk wrote

In Texas seeing my sister and niece and nephew. It’s COLD down here. It makes my heart hurt thinking about all of the unhoused who are unprepared for this cold.


WeetWoo97 t1_j02j00t wrote

A job at the end of next semester.

Finished my third of fourth semester of grad school today. Graduate in May. It would be a Christmas miracle if I could have a job before I graduate. Here's to wishful thinking.