
Western_Ad6420 t1_iyduhc9 wrote

Being the goddess of wisdom can be hard,even more when you are sorounded by idiots but the advantage is that no one will realize who i really am,the only reason I decided to be a teacher here is because i was curious about the mortals these days,they are a little too obsessed by technology and they are way too many now but they are better from a moral point of view than their ancestors from centuries ago,i kinda miss those times but even when you are a goddess time doesn't stop for you, nothing remains the same, everything changes constantly,that's why I decided to be a history teacher,to teach the mortals about their origins,their beginnings but sometimes

I enter the classroom and looks at my students

Athena:Ok class,last week i asked you to read the Greek Mythology,now i want all you to tell me your personal opinion about them

"Gods are assholes"a voice says from the back

Athena:Well can you explain your point of view Mr.Darius?

Darius:Yeah I can,Zeus the leader of the Pantheon is nothing more than a cheater,rapist,a vindictive asshole and a tyrant,he tried to kill the human when they didn't worship him,he punishment Prometheus for giving humans the fire,his Wife and sister Hera,she is a jealous psychopath that is punishing innocent woman that Zeus tricked,Force or manipulate to sleep with him,i mean how could they said no?he is a god,is they said no it wouldn't matter,he would do what he wanted anyway but Hera is taking her anger on those poor girls i mean i know that is hard being cheated on but the girls are not the problem,Zeus is,and let's not forget that she trew her son of the mountain because he was ugly and she always is trying to hurt or kill the demigods of Zeus,Poseidon raped Medusa and now let's go the the Goddess of Wisdom herself

Athena:Let's hear

Darius:She a uncaring and selfish goddess,she is petty and a narcissist,her preistess was raped by Poseidon and the only thing she cared was that her precious little temple was stained,and she decided to punish the victim turning her in a monster and later sending someone to kill her and putting her head on her shield,that is messed up in many ways,she can get away with mostly anything because is Zeus favorite ,when Arahne defeated her in that competition Athena decided to turn her into a spider,i mean if i beat her at monopoly what is she gonna do?turn me into a frog?

Athena:What makes you think that you would win against her at monopoly,maybe she is pretty good at that game

Darius:That's not the point,all of them did something that crossed the line,i just gave these 3 gods as an exemple

The goddess listens everyone opinion and at the ends of the class after everyone left she goes to Darius her student

Athena:Mr.Darius i appreciate if you would stay behind some time


At that moment the Goddess revealed her true form

Athena: Let's just say i didn't appreciated the comments at my address,so let's make a deal,since you thought that you can beat me at monopoly let's play a little,if you win i give you anything you want but if i win let's just say that if you thought I was cruel and harsh with Medusa you don't even can comprehend what awaits you and you have no right to refuse, let's play my mortal student