
What_The_Hex OP t1_j3l3fe5 wrote

Dude it is just such a valuable tool. Sky's the fucking limit, truly. Computer programming + AI = like The PROMISED Land of just, massive, massive leverage and automation. Like, click one button, run one program, and you can move fucking mountains with what those two working in tandem are capable of.


What_The_Hex OP t1_j3ae4vf wrote

Is that different from Chat GPT? AI Noob here. Chat GPT is CRUSHING at the effectiveness for my needs. If I could have a version of that, which I could use programmatically? (versus one-off prompts via the chatbox) Via Python or Javascript? Like, batch the same request 1,000 - 10,000 times? That would be 100% perfect for my needs.


What_The_Hex OP t1_j3a8bz8 wrote

I've seen a lot of memes lately about Chat GPT. Believe it or not, I'm testing it for this specific task, and holy fuck, it is absolutely nailing it. I can even go micro-specific with my requests, and ask stuff like: "Summarize this novel in less than 10 words", and it absolutely fucking nails it. VERY fucking cool!