
WheresMyCowPterry t1_j1yr74k wrote

Can you give some examples of all of these? In what way is gamepass overhyped? What’s the issue with controllers? When was the last time you think Microsoft released a game?

You have a lot of issues here but I have a feeling it’s strowman arguments to try and justify a blind fanboyism to whatever your favourite console is


WheresMyCowPterry t1_j1yr0kx wrote

I’m right there with you, another important point to add in for me that ties in with your first point is the eco system. I play big games that I tend to start and stop on. Right now I’m playing rdr2 going for 100%, I’m playing through the train sim world games to get all of the achievements, plus some others. These are going to keep me busy gaming wise for a long while. If I switched console I’d have to buy those games again so the fact that im so entrenched in that MS ecosystem (and no complaints about that) is another big factor keeping me there

I do have a ps4 for the exclusives I want to play, there’s no tribalism on my part. I’ll get a ps5 when I can but there’s no rush.