
WhiskerTwitch t1_j9rkbcb wrote

I understand that you have some personal sensitivities to people discussing trailers that is outside the realm of discussing the details of structures, but please remember that this is a thread about a structure with very narrow walls and how to deal with changing a window in said structure. No one here was trying to hurt you or demean you in any way.


WhiskerTwitch t1_j5sw0kz wrote

"Some 750 young Jewish fighters armed with just pistols and other light
arms attacked a German force more than three times larger. In their last
testaments they said they knew they were doomed but wanted to die at a
time and place of their own choosing."
Incredible bravery and strength.
If anyone's unfamiliar with what happened, I'd encourage you to watch The Pianist. While it's not a documentary, it covers the early days before the war, through the war itself from the perspective of a young musician. It should really be required watching in schools these days.