
WhisperingShores t1_jbylrzz wrote

Interesting study, but it doesn't recognize individuals who are highly stimulated and yet perceive a slowed passage of time. We typically associate this perceived slow passage of time with a negative or noxious stimuli such as a danger, threat, or trauma. However, this perceived slowed time can also be experience in moments of positive stimuli.

It seems like an eternity when caught in the gaze of that beautiful or handsome person.

There is an earlier study one this phenomena that included consideration of the Sympathetic Nervous System. This is the system responsible for the "Flight or Flight" response and emotional responses to those stimuli.

However, this SNS response critically needs to be redefined as "Fight, Flight, or Freeze" response.

People can freeze in a moment of high stimulation and feel a slower passage of time, which is well documented. So my question is, when during such a Freeze Event, is the heart rate high or is there a sudden drop despite the high stimulation (shock)?

As far as I am concerned this is half a study and as such is misleading. The implication is that more is involved than just heart rate such as emotional state and awareness as to what is specifically occurring during the event.

The heart may be slowed in this Freeze while time is perceived to pass slower. This may be the body's and mind's way of protecting itself in the face of a sensory overload or too much stimulation. However, when we are overly stimulated we can forget details of an event, so this perceived slower passage of time allows for in increased remembrance of what occurred.

If the heart rate remains high during these Freezes, and the individual still experiences a high heart rate along with a slowed perceived time, this unless shock sets in, then the study is immediately debunked.