
WhoBroughtTheCoolKid t1_j6ljrgy wrote

I loved that show when I was a kid. I had such a crush on Davy Jones. Trouble was I was watching reruns in the 80s/90s and I remember entertainment tonight or some such had the monkees on and I was CRUSHED (and confused) to learn my crush was now an old man.


WhoBroughtTheCoolKid t1_j6kduqd wrote

The US under Clinton had a pretty great economy and our national debt was incredibly low. Thinking that everyone make a relatively decent living is just rose colored glasses. Poor people have always existed and always will. In 1997 I made $4 an hour. Just saying. Same job, same place now is $20 an hour.


WhoBroughtTheCoolKid t1_j3k7527 wrote

You should be able to see the chart for the subsidy. You’d definitely be better off posting in a Vermont sub. Maybe they can’t compare to MA but could tell you what they pay and how it works.


WhoBroughtTheCoolKid t1_j1tlaoo wrote

The guy in the pic is just grabbing the mail at Hoffa’s house. I assume his wife stayed there the caption says “the family home”. She didn’t realize he would never come back. So OP’s great uncle was just helping out. He was likely not secretly delivering it right to Jimmy. It’s thought that he was murdered right away not that he was in hiding.

If I were OP I would be definitely asking questions though. Or maybe not…