
Whole_Ferret1724 t1_j2abdwn wrote

Biological sex for humans is binary absent genetic defect. So if we’re using the traditional meaning of gender, there are two. Everything else is just trying to create new labels to pigeonhole every individual variation and is pointless. If we’re agreed on the first point you can see why there isn’t really anything to be arguing about.


Whole_Ferret1724 t1_j2a2tx9 wrote

So wait. Is gender about sex characteristics or not? This is why this debate is pointless. You’ll just move the goalposts and won’t engage constructively. Gender has until very very recently meant biological sex. There’s generally two but other possibilities exist in nature none of which has anything to do with a two spirit gender. I’m fine with using gender as a social construct as long as we have words to distinguish biological sex.


Whole_Ferret1724 t1_j29qv08 wrote

Gender has historically meant male or female biologically. It’s morphed recently to mean something else but o really can’t put my finger on what it means these days. It’s unfair to expect the whole world to immediately adopt a new and controversial nomenclature. I think most are happy to let people live their lives however they like but don’t see a need to try and pretend biology doesn’t play a critical role in determining gender.