
Wide_Television_7074 t1_j7uic07 wrote

I think it makes more sense to connect NH cities and towns to Manch airport than it does to connect these towns to Boston. Why does it need to include Boston at all? If money wasn’t an object; build two corridors (one along 16, one along 93) that have a north south and central transfer spur… I still don’t see why we need to connect to Boston. Maybe if North and South station were connected but they aren’t


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j7sivm5 wrote

entry level business type jobs pay over $100k nowadays, there are houses still available in MA for $500k. I remember out of college (doing the same type of work) paid $51k in 2008. Those houses were $250k. It’s still 5 years salary. Inflation then was 0-1%, now its 7-9% (but really much more). If you can buy a house now, it seems like a really good investment…


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j69qyhz wrote

well I’m sorry you missed the glory years, RI has been in structural decline since the 1970s — fact not opinion. RI was a national powerhouse prior to then, and the shift of industry to services was bound to happen but RI has not done this gracefully. Unchecked single political party power has gutted the wealth of this once amazing place. Over 70% of our bridges are deficient. We have borrowed on every asset and deferred every liability. We have failed our residents.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j69597n wrote

RI has gone downhill pretty badly the last 10-15 years. Beaches are being taken over by property owners who hire their own private security. Taxes out of control. The level of poverty across the state is shocking. Terrible schools except for maybe 5 towns. Bankrupt. Single political party that runs unopposed many times. But worse, an electorate that thinks it’s okay, and would rather focus on fringe activism.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j67axux wrote

is this a shocker? the place is uncomfortable. the constant virtue signaling and social justice warrior bullshit. they are spending money printing lawn signs with political messages — y’all are a freakin grocery market… you lost track of what matters to the existence of your business. blown opportunity to do good and make a profitable business. I hope the market that replaces it is neutral, and focuses on being a quality market — no soapboxes, no “using their platform”, no signs or pamphlets — I just want a grocery market.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j5va96r wrote

the housing stock in RI is so old and they sell for the same price as updated homes, this isn’t happening elsewhere in New England. There’s clearly a supply side issue here. I’ve spoken with some realtors and they have a lot of preapproved folks ready to snap up inventory as soon as they dip, I just don’t believe prices will go down considerably.
