
Wiger_King t1_iy7lm3g wrote

Each year my partner and I watch a Christmas movie each day for the month leading up to Christmas.

This year we found Pottersville. WOW!!! What a find! This might be the only Christmas movie ever about a small town shop keeper that finds his wife having an affair as a furry and then in an attempt to win her back dresses up as a gorilla and then gets seen walking around drunk and mistaken for a Bigfoot which reinvigorates the small town with tourism and he has to continue the ruse while an Australian Bigfoot hunter comes to hunt him. Oh and there is a character that speaks mainly in Jaws quotes. It is fucking nuts and an insanely over qualified cast.


Wiger_King t1_ituffgo wrote

They totally should but it should follow the same rules as the serial killer movies and shows.

All the victims should have cool names like The Zodiac Killed, or Buffalo Bob.

The victims should write notes to the police taunting them about not finding out who killed them.

And there should be a movie about the FBI hunting for the first serial victim who has been killed by multiple killers across 4 states.
