
Wilkey88 t1_jdqrivj wrote

How long are you going for? You can park in the economy lot for less than $275 for a week. I do this all the time for work. It is a lot cheaper than taking a car service there and back. The downside is you will have to drive home after your trip. And that can be a drag...


Wilkey88 t1_jdftm6d wrote

My wife once saw a woman blow a guy on Ripta and pull the cops so she could spit it out. I kind of feel like I'd you are going to behave like that you should be willing to swallow...


Wilkey88 t1_jdft2xn wrote

You will definitely make it. How reliable is questionable. However down town pvd has a lot of great places to grab a coffee and hang for a bit. Good luck and I hope you make it.


Wilkey88 t1_j29qqfo wrote

You will definitely find street parking. However, there is also a driveway you can use as long as your not hanging around.


Wilkey88 t1_j1kk1lu wrote

Super chill dude! Used to live in the apartment under his for about a year. I have since moved to Cranston but still being my knives by to get them sharpened and pet his dog Lola, who is a very good girl!


Wilkey88 t1_j0yyfbo wrote

You missed the cat they were traveling with. Now she has to go to the police station to break her K-9 friends out so they can be reunited with their child humans who left them at a friends house while they temporarily move to Boston.


Wilkey88 t1_izehet4 wrote

You might also have a new snitch on your street. What part of the city do you live live? Overnight parking enforcement is usually only heavily enforced on the east side. Otherwise it was either a slow night and a cop decided to write a bunch of tickets, or some one called and complained and then the whole neighborhood was tagged. My advice, juat get the tag. It takes about 30min and the office is right on Alens ave.


Wilkey88 OP t1_iyciewd wrote

Lol. He did miss two New England related questions. One was Hercules, but the clue involved James Woods (RI native), and the other was Hurman Melville, and the clue had something to do with a recent film adaptation of Moby Dick. (Book Famously starts on New Beford)