
WinstonAtlas t1_jcw22xy wrote

I hope we can learn from some other rural tourist dependent places and build a little bit of rail accessible travel.

Having a smol train come once an hour on some single track mountain lines, like is done to serve ski towns in Switzerland or Japan, could really take the toll off of rural roads that get overwhelmed with tourists during peak seasons. More walkable towns with 5-7 story buildings where both locals and tourists can afford to stay, and less $30 per day parking spaces in the mountains.


WinstonAtlas t1_j5nqmnp wrote

Would be cool to have some history about when hotels were banned from residential neighborhoods in VT. In the 1950-1960s you could build up to 75 feet anywhere in Burlington and use buildings as hotels, boarding houses, .

What happened that we needed to restrict hotels so much that a parallel industry of short-term rentals has sprung up.

Mobile homes, on the other hand, were banned in Burlington as part of the first 1947 zoning code.