
Winterclaw42 t1_ja5xeu5 wrote

Well, there's always PC gaming. It gets most non-nintendo games eventually.

If not, there's the switch which gets a lot of the games on the other systems but not all. It's also got the nintendo exclusives. And you can bring it with you on the go.

Sports games have changed and frankly I'd avoid anything related to EA. Kids might not like sports games either so if they are going to be sharing the console, keep their tastes in mind.


Winterclaw42 t1_iu20q54 wrote

This might sounds like a terribly silly question, but considering a lot of psychological research is done on college students, how does that effect your particular field of study especially when it comes to finding participants?


Winterclaw42 t1_iu203vw wrote


Why should we legalize a drug that is linked to both increased ER usage and psychosis when the only reason provided is the logical fallacy of appeal to popularity? The US is a republic specifically because the majority of people could be wrong at times and representatives are supposed to serve as a check and balance in those instances?

I mean by your reasoning if a majority of the population want full on communism or to start nuclear winter we should do so. How dare those republicans stop full communism! How dare those trump republicans with all their peace talks not start nuclear winter!


Also, I thought libertarians are supposed to support freedom and being able to make decisions for yourself. Addiction is a form of slavery, so becoming addicted to drugs limits ones freedom. Also while on drugs, they can inhibit your ability to properly think and make decisions. They can deleterious to self-determination and discipline. All of these things sound like they should be against libertarian ideals. Being high does not facilitate the rational decision making that underpins the libertarian foundation.

Finally the elephant in the room: in books like 1984 and brave new world, the people in power are all to willing to use people's base desires against them in order to control them. Legal drugs could be used as a method to control the masses by a totalitarian regime. Get high and let the government do all the thinking for you.

Frankly, why should anyone take a party who has a key platform of "420" seriously?

Why should anyone view a party that's trying to corrupt a democracy by giving the people, and the democracy itself, tools of their own self-destruction with anything other than pure disdain?