
Wiru_The_Wexican t1_j0532bb wrote

My joke comment aside, I think while this guy made his case in the vaguest, most asshole-ish way possible, the point he's trying to get across is sound. Basically these profiles are advocating for nuclear energy over wind/solar, which a lot of big environmental groups are actually advocating for, and I'd cautiously support.

I've done some renewable energy-focused work and long story short, nuclear energy's highly misunderstood and come a long way in modern times. Wind and solar technology has pretty limited energy output atm, and while like any other technology, that'll change with time and research, given our tight timeframe to reduce carbon emissions if we wanna avert global disaster, nuclear's looking like the more feasible option.

That's not to say more wind or solar's bad, especially in regions with sunnier and/or windier climates, nuclear just seems to be more feasible on a global level.