
Wiseduck5 t1_ivcr15w wrote

Are not even a little bit concerned that everything conservative media has been telling you is a lie? Did you also believe the nonsense about litter boxes?

Republicans quite literally have no platform. This is all they have.

And apparently that is enough. We're doomed as a species.


Wiseduck5 t1_ivcl83f wrote

>If the narrative changed, that is fine.

Given that conservatives are still lying about it, no it is not fine.

>Ok, what about Kavanaugh? Any change there?

[The suicidal guy who called the cops on himself?] (https://www.businessinsider.com/man-with-gun-at-brett-kavanaughs-home-called-cops-on-himself-court-docs-2022-6)

If conservative didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.


Wiseduck5 t1_ivcffd5 wrote

You should probably go google that instead of making snarky comments.

[Because that's an outright lie.] (https://www.foxnews.com/us/north-dakota-police-say-evidence-suggesting-death-cayler-ellingson-involved-politics)

Thanks for providing such a clear cut example of misinformation.