
WitchsWeasel t1_iuaij5e wrote

True, I just checked out their wikipedia page. They used to wear binders and underwent a double mastectomy, and somewhat changed their name to a much more gender ambiguous one. I think it's safe to say that's pretty far into trans territory, especially for the time. Unfortunately, we don't have a language that has any wiggle room to speak of when it comes to gender neutrality, with all the issues it creates when it comes to defining gender on a spectrum, so there's that.

Also, duly noted for butch, though female still sounds bad either way. Not that that nazi deserved any courtesy, but eeh. Thanks for sharing your perspective, I appreciate it!


WitchsWeasel t1_iua9fc8 wrote

I suspect some confirmation bias here. Usually, when people see two feminine women together, they tend to automatically assume they're friends. But the moment one of them looks more on the butch side of things, then they notice and they see a lesbian couple instead.

That being said, I've also once heard an argument from a lesbian as to why that may still occur more often than random: insecurities may be easier to navigate the more different people are in a couple. It would be more about minimizing envy than "filling a role" in the couple. That being said, I'm not sure how much we can generalize that from that anecdotical perspective.

There also may be other things going on, people are multidimensional. r/AskLesbians surely has more reliable answers.