
WolfReborn22 t1_iuj05yw wrote

I believe Montana is the only state that has such a law so the same question could be asked for any other state. That being said the law it is still pro employer, there is a 12 month probationary period where you are still at will without cause. Unfortunately It is also not very hard to find a reason that allows them to let someone go given a little effort for cause or thet can just default to business doesn't need that position anymore. If some one was let go for no cause it can be very difficult for the employee to prove and fight legally since most people don't know the law well enough or the time to know they should fight it.

The last part is most employers don't have any real reason or incentive to fire some one who is performing after 12 months as they already invested time and money into training. They are also likely are paying the employee less the market rate at that time since most companies don't increase pay of current employees to align with either new hires with same experience or the rest of the market.