
WompWompIt t1_j6p0uyh wrote

This is absolutely true. It's horrendous but very common.

Source? Life in the country on a farm for 20 years. Sorry to say I've seen hounds freezing to death on the road during hunting season. Never spayed or neutered (as evidenced by testicles or a belly full of puppies). Too scared and unsocialized to be caught.


WompWompIt t1_j69fywh wrote

I think it is. I also can look further than that, in that it's life is second to the mothers in all circumstances so it's irrelevant. And I've had kids LOL. No question why most abortions are for second or third time mothers. But if we are discussing the Bible and god and religion, it's just not there. Fervor over the unborn is a tool and if you think otherwise you have been sucked right in.


WompWompIt t1_j67ps67 wrote


the Bible does not address abortion. my best friend has a Mdiv from a very well known university and I trust her over Wikipedia which is open sourced. She has no dog in this fight.

Furthermore, in Judaism which predates Christianity (Jesus's dad ya know) a baby is not a human being until it takes its first breath outside the womb. that means it is religiously legal to kill a baby at any point in a pregnancy. Any. Morally is another story but we are discussing religion and the Bible.

The Bible was written as a sort of guide for people during a time that they were not living close enough to communicate easily between rare social visits. If you had a problem you could find a parable that spoke to your situation. the Bible is not literal. It is a work of fiction.

In the end all religions espouse the same things: be kind. look out for one another. treat people as you wish to be treated. take care of the poor, the weak, children, the elderly. this should be common sense, and no one should need a book to tell you these things. instead the Bible is weaponized to serve the state. Christianity has a bloody trail of terrorism behind it - look at a time line - was originally used to seize power and has never stopped. The latest is controlling half the population's ability to control their own body - women.

Abortion is a human rights issue wearing the sheep skin of christianity.

The true Christians I know don't judge anyone, they help people take care of themselves and they don't give two shits about abortion.

This is the Richmond subreddit not the abortion one so I'm going to stop now.