
Wondering_shell OP t1_j8x3ram wrote

Yeah, it's hard to deal with the neighbours. So we took pictures of car parked and their driveway for every tickets that we received and saved the videos from our ring for proof that we didn't move our car before taking the pictures.


Wondering_shell OP t1_j8x0t3d wrote

They did this since last year. It's becoming annoying now since we have to constantly check outside to see if there will be another parking officer.

Actually, I saw a body cam from the ticket officer yesterday, so is it possible to request for a copy of the video? It was the time that a ticket officer was the middle man because of the heated discussion with the neighbors outside; they were arguing how that street parking is theirs, which didn't end well for them that time.


Wondering_shell OP t1_j8wzujw wrote

Wrote this one when I was mad af.

We got tickets from our neighbors complaining about blocking the driveway, which clearly is not. We successfully talked to the 2nd officer yesterday because we were reported for two times about it, and both officers told us the same thing - we are not blocking the driveway. And that it is clear the neighbours just want you to have a ticket. Told us that they can't do anything about it since they're just being told anonymously, which they even showed us their app.

The other times that we were not able to talk to the officers because we were busy, so instead of checking it properly. They just gave us one. Prob here is that we park like the way we supposed to. What would we benefit from being the assholes here? Everyone wants to have a hassle-free day.


Wondering_shell OP t1_j8v8n3l wrote

Well, that's the thing! We didn't understand the first two tickets at first because we're not blocking the driveway. These were issued because the neighbor wanted to park their car in our parking spot (which is a street parking only). So then we made sure to check constantly since they tend to report randomly if ever we parked at the spot that they wanted to park.

Talked to the officers in charge on that day and discussed our side for us to prevent from receiving a ticket. Officers then will check and tell if we're blocking their driveway, but was told that we don't. And it's been happening for a few months now.