
WorkingMinimum t1_j9ma307 wrote

Idk, I think if he wrote a manifesto about how white people are all guilty of all difficulties everyone else in America has ever faced, then appointed a black replacement for his position, then killed himself, the majority of opposition would at least commend him for being “one of the good ones”. Not sure if they’d forgive though, and even if this specific infraction is forgiven, it would still be used to demonstrate institutional racism.


WorkingMinimum t1_j9m8tsi wrote

I’m not suggesting anything other than what veins said being uncontroversial if you substitute his identity for a more palatable one.

As far as I can tell, viens never spoke in absolutes, never suggested that only black cops should police black communities. If you have that quote please share - OPs article is clearly biased and never presents what veins said in one unadulterated block.

It really seems like everyone wants to hate this guy for proposing reasonable ideas under the wrong identity and because he used one wrong word (which he did apologize for despite OP/article claiming he never apologized)


WorkingMinimum t1_j9lbavc wrote

I never said it wasn’t a bad idea, or that it would be the answer we’ve all been waiting for.

Here’s an article that suggests what Vien proposed may in fact be worth pursuing:

This is from associated press by way of nbc. The right sort of groups to deliver vs say, Vien or Fox News.

The only mistake this dude made was in having an opinion on race relations without the correct identity.


WorkingMinimum t1_j9kokpb wrote

But again, if he was not a white male, if he was clearly an ally, the exact words could be used and Reddit would applaud.

Personally, it doesn’t make a difference in my life what a cop looks like. However, in a country where police brutality is commonplace and often framed as a racial issue, it doesn’t seem far fetched to suggest that the community should be policed by members of its community. And if that community is predominately black, maybe there would be some measurable benefit for a predominately black police force.

The sad trend is actually that people can’t share ideas casually without risk of social assassination. I think this dude is catching more flack for having the wrong identity than for the content of his idea.


WorkingMinimum t1_j9k8h7k wrote

Can you show the quote where he said the force should be segregated? All I’ve seen so far is that he thinks black officers are potentially more appropriate to send when addressing incidents in the black community. He didn’t use any sort of absolute language as far as I can tell, he didn’t suggest criminality is a black only problem… i think you’ve got a hate boner for the guy and maybe it’s deserve for other reasons, but the direct quotes in the article have me wondering what exactly he did wrong, because all the bad stuff is inferred by the reporter and rage bait junkies


WorkingMinimum t1_j9k7l6g wrote

Again, if I imagine someone saying the exact same words but looking different than a crusty old white guy, it tracks.

You can’t picture Lori Lightfoot or Stacy Abramssaying “black cops may be more in touch with black communities, and may therefore be able to de-escalate situations more easily”?

The only problem with what he said is the context of his race, and that he didn’t tack on supporting an initiative to hire more black police to decrease the demographic disparity on the force.


WorkingMinimum t1_j9k0jv6 wrote

This article reads like a tumble hate blog post and while the man did make a gaffe, the only real problem socially is that he said what he said without first identifying as an ally and supporter of civil rights. I guarantee if kendi suggested this with the exact same wording, people would cheer for it.
