
WriterWri t1_jeczu5a wrote

If nothing else, it is clever.

It didn't grab me, but I don't like the resetting loop mechanic.

The game is fun and pretty, though.

Was free on GamePass


WriterWri t1_j9k6f9c wrote

Every single woman in an ancestry doesn't have to give birth to be part of it. Your great-grandmother's aunt is still your ancestor if she never had a child.

You're trying to make a point using the wrong words. It sort of undermines your effort.

Lineage is more what you're talking about.

But I assume this is some anti-woman rant about their "duty" to have kids or some other nonsense.

And more to the OP point:

You say none had the URGE to live childless. There is no way on earth you know that. And it is a judgemental statement to make that you can't possibly prove