
WubbaLubbaSquanch t1_iuk3rkj wrote

There are also many drivers that are now speeding up in the right lane just as someone goes to pass them. I have yet to make sense of this besides people driving staring at their phones but there’s also a good bit of people that seem to want to speed up to get in front of the other person and then slow down creating a tailgate situation.

To the people that do this - You are not helping to slow the roads down, you are creating multiple angry drivers that will only want to speed up faster once there’s an opportunity. You are creating road rage and a more dangerous environment for everyone when you could just live your life. I get that speeding kills, but again I am confident driving like this causes more speeding and likely more accidents. I don’t ever see this behavior mentioned on this sub and all I’m hoping is to open at least 1 persons eyes as to how stupid this type of thing is.