
Wyldfire2112 t1_iygske3 wrote

Expedia operates out of the Old Airport, and I've heard from friends that they're looking to hire several training-classes worth of people for some expansion.

Their minimum pay is like $20/hr, and the people I know there say it's a very chill work culture.


Wyldfire2112 t1_iwayu0z wrote

Springfield BrewCo is a great place to go. They've got great food, good beer, and good in-house liquor.

They also have the ability to do flights, which will let you get several different styles of beer or liquor in small portions so you can try a bunch of different types quickly.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivpspux wrote

The fact you think me daring to say black people are as capable of racism as white people means I'm afraid of black people is hilarious.

So is the fact you can't grasp just how much you're acting like the oppressor you claim I am.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivnqg5n wrote

And that's even with the new "no excuse" absentee ballot law.

I showed up at the County Clerk's office and voted on Saturday, and it was doing a fair clip. Not backed up, but they'd apparently been having a steady stream with 3-4 ballots being filled out at any given time all day.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivnqam4 wrote

I pre-voted on Saturday, thanks to the new "no-excuse" absentee ballot laws, so I couldn't tell you.

I highly recommend it for everyone. No lines, just show up at the County Clerk's office, fill out your ballot, and you're on your way in like 5 minutes. Easy peasy to fit in while running errands on a day off.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivnn5ch wrote


When the Angler Inn, the property this is on, did their remodel they were required to install a sidewalk... but the Taco Bell sidewalk didn't extend to the property edge, so this is what we get.

In short, blame Taco Bell for where they put their planter.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivnl3gf wrote

Reply to comment by Born2fayl in CRT and Amendment 3 by AttorneyTime4601

>The problem is that the right MAINSTREAM is comparing itself to the fringe left.

That's a significant part of my point.

We need to acknowledge the Fringe Left exists and try to talk some goddamn sense into them instead of trying to pretend we can separate ourselves from them, because the Right sure as hell won't separate them from us any more than we separate the Qtards and MAGAts from moderate, sensible conservatives when we think of "the Right."


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivnfryn wrote

Being done implies you were ever interested in helping me to begin with.

You being completely unwilling to admit black people are even capable of racism and accusing me of being racist for daring to hold them to the same standards as white people is hilariously hypocritical.

You also have no idea of my background, the reading I've done, or the personal connections I have but, sure, go ahead and write me off as ignorant because it makes you feel better.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivn96as wrote

Reply to comment by Born2fayl in CRT and Amendment 3 by AttorneyTime4601

That isn't what I'm saying, and the fact everyone seems to think it says a lot of bad things.

I'm simply pointing out that the Right points to the extremists on the Left to justify themselves just the same way the Left points to the extremists on the Right. Becauseboth sides tend to think their own shit doesn't stink.

Just because I don't agree with the most recent wave of rhetorical bullshit of people twisting the meaning of racism so whites are racist and blacks are "exhibiting racially biased behavior," doesn't mean I'm in favor of racism.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivn8csj wrote

No, I wouldn't prefer the term "reverse racism," because that implies the natural order of racism is whites being racist against blacks. Which is fucking racist.

Also, nice job at deciding that I'm a racist qtard just because I'm not completely guzzling the kool-aid and pretending "racial bias" is somehow not racism with a prettier name to downplay it.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivmk9p4 wrote

>‘If we stop oppressing people they might try to oppress us like we did to them for several hundred years’ is pretty weak.

Dude, work on your reading comprehension, because that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying that it's possible to oppress someone while being oppressed at the same time, and black people routinely get away with saying shit that would get a white person lynched because any time someone tries to bring up black racism they get shouted down.

>Killmonger was a fictional character.

And yet he represents a trend I've seen developing since well before Black Panther was released. If you're going to claim he didn't have a basis in shit that actually gets said, you're either lying or hopelessly naive.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivmiolf wrote

Called it!

Racism is treating someone differently based on their race. That is the legal, practical, and dictionary definition. No more, no less.

The "racial bias" bullshit you're peddling is a double standard trying to move the goal posts so that racism is a white-only phenomenon and black racists get their racism soft-sold.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivldyh1 wrote

>No one is saying individuals can't act with individualized racially motivated actions.

That's not the same thing as claiming nobody says black people can't be racist.

In fact, the way you squirm and wriggle to use a term other than racism to describe blacks being racist just reinforces my point about the narrative being racism is a white thing.

Want to prove me wrong, then humor me. Actually say/type "Black people can be racist."

No prevarication, no qualifications, no dancing around the terminology, no backpedaling immediately afterwards. Just state clearly and simply that you acknowledge black people are capable of racism.

Because I bet you won't, and are going to try to deflect it on to me being "behind" just like you're doing now.

EDIT: Also, your pollution metaphor comes out as "get rid of the sources of pollution = get rid of white people," which is why I'm saying it's a false equivalence.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivl9tr0 wrote

Comparing equality to the environment is a false equivalence.

People can discriminate and be discriminated against at the same time, and things only become less common when properly addressed.

Focusing the narrative solely on the evils of whites and men while glossing over the sexism of women and the racism of PoC, which is the current environment, doesn't create integration or equity. It just creates pushback from people who feel unjustly persecuted.