
Wyldfire2112 t1_j1w95fw wrote

It's likely because SpringNet is a special project by CU, who simply contracts the running of the network out, and so is handled differently than regular servicing.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j1gnsjj wrote

I feel you there. Got a '40s house, myself.

Did you at least have your faucets dripping? It won't always stop a freeze when it gets this cold, but it should keep the pressure from cracking anything.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j0yae40 wrote

Oh fuck off with that self-righteous bullshit.

It's statistically proven you're a bigger danger to others driving slower than the pace of traffic than faster. If you can't keep up with the flow, you shouldn't be in it.

It's a good thing you don't drive, because you're the asshole making traffic worse and more dangerous for everyone else.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j0oydab wrote

Reply to Customers by the_honeyman

> it just seems like everywhere I go there are people who don't understand just how understaffed and stressed everybody is.

They understand, but it's not their problem your bosses can't hire enough people.

It's not your fault, either, but pressure from the public to fix service levels by hiring more people and paying them enough to keep a full staff on hand is a good thing.

>Entitled people demanding things the place is out of, threatening wait staff over the lettuce shortage, throwing a fit because their Wendy's took an extra 2 minutes to get to their car.

Yeah... that's just throwing a tantrum because their life sucks and they're taking it out on everyone around them. Fuck that noise.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j0fsfsk wrote

Reply to comment by PM_YOUR_PUPPERS in Busiek! by DirtyOldSamurai

>nice boots

I think you mean "good boots," not "nice boots."

Nice boots are the fancy boots you wear when you want to look attractive. Good boots are the ones that'll keep you dry and warm during a slog through ankle-deep water.


Wyldfire2112 t1_izop1jx wrote

ExtraMostBestest is Little Caesar's.

They have their "Classic" pizzas, which used to be the dirt cheap "Hot-n-Ready" stuff, and the ExtraMostBestest. The former are dirt cheap but skimp on everything, while the latter are a few dollars more but much more loaded.


Wyldfire2112 t1_iylsdmq wrote

It won't be available in my area until March... which is at least more than Quantum (aka CenturyLink) would ever tell me.

Brightspeed is apparently a brand new company, like formed in '21 new, and still going through some teething troubles. They bought out a lot of Quantum's infrastructure in the wake of the company shitting the bed on developing the networks in places where they had contracts.