
Wyldfire2112 t1_j7h0ewj wrote

Eminent Domain definitely has a hell of a lot more reason to exist than Civil Asset Forfeiture, for sure.

My main complaints, personally, are stem from using Eminent Domain to screw the people being bought-out out of the value of their property. Stuff like paying the value of the undeveloped land, not the actual sale price of the property if they listed it.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j7ah4dw wrote

From what you're not saying, I'm guessing it was your kid's first or second birthday and you ran afoul of their 3+ policy for general admission shows. Just because you don't like the explanation and they didn't cave to you trying to talk your way around the rule doesn't mean they didn't give you one. Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on their part.

EDIT: Either that, or you're lying out your ass because you're part of the smear campaign. One of the two.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j7agvq6 wrote

Home theater tip for your popcorn:

There's a product called "Flavacol" that's been around since the 50s (as you might imagine with a name and packaging like it has) which is a super finely ground salt, like confectioner's sugar almost, that has an artificial buttery flavor.

Add it to your popcorn before popping at a 1tsp to 1cup ratio, and be sure to pop with coconut oil, and you'll get that old-school movie popcorn flavor from back in the day.

For bonus points, use a whirlypop to get the same stir-bar mechanism theater poppers do, just hand cranked.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j70sb14 wrote

Standing in the middle of the concourse blocking the flow of traffic while you chit-chat with someone is a dick move, too. Just because you have to deal with inconsiderate assholes everywhere doesn't make you not an inconsiderate asshole for doing it.

I don't care how much you drive like a grandma, just don't match paces with another traffic-clogger and completely block the road.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j5o3kzv wrote

So very much this.

The ironic thing is that the schools administrations were trying to catch up to with that kind of BS are doing the exact opposite and teaching critical thinking, big-picture type lesson plans so the students are just better able to learn and get better scores.

People seem to never learn that you have to come at this stuff sideways.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j5o3bi9 wrote

Reply to comment by Dbblazer in Relocation :) by Total-Investment7462

Don't know what your gifted program was like, specifically, but you have to ask yourself this: Would the 50th-percentile kids actually find it as interesting and engaging as you did, or would they have floundered and felt bad about themselves because they couldn't keep up?


Wyldfire2112 t1_j5o354d wrote

Reply to comment by cmiller727 in Relocation :) by Total-Investment7462

>He recently qualified for their gifted program and they've gone out of their way to keep him engaged.

As someone who is just barely over into the "profoundly gifted" range, myself, I'm super glad to hear they're on top of this kind of thing.

It took until junior high for someone to actually realize I didn't have ADD, I was just bored and disengaged because the teachers weren't keeping up with the speed at which I could digest information.