
XDingoX83 t1_j1zit5w wrote

So again you punish the people who do the right thing, recycle their cans, but because they don’t do it the least effective way possible they get punished? An easy fix for this is a tax rebate for towns with single stream recycling. Why not give those town’s resident 50 dollars off their income taxes? That would be equal to one twelve pack a week for a year roughly. That way you keep the deposit but don’t punish residents who use recycle bins for having the audacity of recycling in an easy manner.

I’d like to add people do the easiest thing and I’d argue single stream recycling has done more to increase recycling than a deposit. Most people don’t have the time or energy to go to a recycling center but give them a blue bin and let them put it on the curb next to their normal trash and they are more likely to do it because it’s no extra effort on their part.


XDingoX83 t1_j1zhza7 wrote

Small towns with no garbage pick up don’t. When I lived in Danielson we didn’t have garbage pick up where I was. We had to take our trash to the dump and use special bags. Also as I said in another comment I’d you are paying for a service but then can’t use that service because of a tax it is kind of stupid the point of this is to recycle not to collect revenue for the state. If people are recycling via single stream why do you need the deposit? What I see is a scam. So you pay the recycler to come pick up your cans which they resell at a profit and the state collects a 10 cent revenue meanwhile your dumb ass pays for both the take away of the cans and the deposit. And don’t say just take it in because that is also a waste of your time the opportunity cost for many people isn’t worth it. It’s just another hidden tax on people. If there was a tax way to rebate towns that use single stream recycling that would make it fair as the whole purpose of the deposit is to incentivize recycling not be a revenue stream.


XDingoX83 t1_j1zgou8 wrote

So you’re paying for single stream recycling and then still taking the cans in. That is still a punishment. The point of the deposit is to incentivize recycling. They are making you waste your time because you can’t use a service you pay for without losing money. Do you see why that is stupid? So either I use a service I have to pay for by my city and lose money on the bottle deposit or go to the nasty ass return place and waste my time there to get my money back. I’ll say it one more time the whole purpose is to get people to recycle if I put my cans in to the recycle bin that I’m doing my part why should I then be punished by paying a 1.20 tax on every 12 pack for using a service I have to pay for?


XDingoX83 t1_j1zev0d wrote

It’s messed up, I am forced by my city to pay for single stream recycling so either I’m paying a 10 cent tax per can if I use that for a service I pay for or I have to go and waste time returning the cans of I want my money back. I should be able to get my money if I use recycling from home. That’s the point of the deposit to get people to recycle. I should not be punished because my city has single stream recycling.