XOIIO t1_j1dgd1i wrote

>automatic headlights

Please check if your tail lights actually come on at night, I see so many people in newer cars that drive around with no taillights and are absolutely clueless to external stimulus to try and tell them they aren't on.


XOIIO t1_j137k58 wrote

I have a deathstalker ultimate right now and I've been considering a 915 lightspeed, since I love low profile keys.

The deathstalker has been reliable and great aside from Razer abandoning the software but it's showing some wear after having it so long.

Just quickly looked at the article but man... These looks neat especially if I could get low profile keycaps but I do want a numpad.

I also wish I had bought the razer Tron keyboard back in the day, custom themes on this thing could be epic