
Xaendeau t1_j9bxjtk wrote


Xaendeau t1_j99kvq7 wrote

For real? Ok, sure.

Measuring this more precisely let's people know better that reality works like equations predict. If we know there's a discrepancy, we can discover why and learn new science...which doesn't benefit Americans in 2023, but might be a piece of a puzzle that benefits Americans in 2073. Advances in the standard model paves the way for exotic technology that becomes commonplace decades later.

Maxwell published that electromagnetic propagation should happen back in something like 1865. These had zero applications in 1865, but by 1901, there was wireless communication across the Atlantic. Around 150 years later, you were typing this comment on a phone or computer that is a direct engineering application of Maxwell's equations, such as light coming out of your screen to read these words, sending data across the internet, and CPU/GPU/motherboard architecture.


Xaendeau t1_j99iz8j wrote

While I'm waiting for the sudafed to hopefully help my sinuses, I'd like to know why you think money spent in basic science is a bad use of taxes. Scientific research and educational funding is something I'm passionate about. It's the best way to spend tax dollars.

I'm here all night, my face hurts too much to sleep.


Xaendeau t1_j99gg29 wrote

Hey man, stay ignorant if you want. It's a choice at this point. If you want actual dialogue, hit me up and I can give you examples of science that has paid exponential dividends in our society.


Xaendeau t1_j99ef1u wrote

Literally all those things you listed are less important than if the money was put into science. Every penny spent in scientific research is investing in the future of humanity.

This goes to show how unaware you are about how science works. Pure, fundamental research is the basis of what technological advancements in applied science and engineering are built from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_research.

My dude, just like, read the Wikipedia article and become educated about the matter. If you need examples, I got about a dozen I can think of off the top of my head.