
XavierRex83 t1_je2dprh wrote

Snyder is an outside vendor. All the vendors should be rotating their stock and giving credits for out of date items. Either the store is doing something shady, or Snyder messed something up, and that date might be fine. Also, while 4 months would not be ideal, if that is accurate, it would still be edible as long as it is sealed.

It's been a while, so I don't remember, but some vendors will leave out of dates at the store when issuing credit to dispose of or throw them away themselves. Sometime of vendors left out of dates, and we would let people take them or whatever. Of course, they were out of date by a few days, not months.


XavierRex83 t1_j1c345o wrote

I wish PPS was like this when I went to school. I think the only days that were ever canceled for me were around the Blizzard of 93, and maybe a couple other days. I had a day in elementary school were roads were so icy the bus couldn't even get to the school, but school was open. So many days where classes were half full because of weather.