
Xemone t1_j5ht407 wrote

You can want something to be over in the sense of wishing it had a satisfying conclusion and leaving it at that instead of """"ending""""" but not really because the characters will still be in other spin-offs. Not everyone wants to reach the end of a long series that they may have fully or even partially enjoyed but then be expected to watch infinite spin-offs to continue following everyone and get the rest of the full story.

They can just not watch them, sure, but if they liked the characters who are going to be in the spin-offs and they wanted them to have a satisfying conclusion, they may have to wait however many years for it now, if they ever get one because TWD's finale was just a platform for them to start their journey on the spin-off, not an actual ending for them.

And even if they don't like the show, they're allowed to voice their opinion on them. They didn't say "Anyone who watches the spin-offs are idiots! What a stupid franchise!" They asked why there are so many spin-offs. It's a valid question.


Xemone t1_j5ftjg6 wrote

That's a good one. I know the cast wouldn't miss a beat in a revival, but I wouldn't really think there'd be anything to show either. Any typical revival-esque framework like focusing on their (possible) kids or something just wouldn't work with the way the show was originally.

And a full reboot I can't see working at all. It was definitely most suited for its time, even if it's sadly unavailable to watch nearly anywhere.


Xemone t1_j21aa1l wrote

I find it really weird that you're starting a discussion topic on canceling streaming services by saying you won't discuss why you canceled a streaming service, but okay.

I canceled HBOMax initially because it was a bit too expensive. I wanted to get it back before the ridiculous stuff came out about their merger and what they're planning on turning HBOMax into. Now I won't give them a dime.

Coincidentally, I also canceled Discovery+ before that. I really only used it for Battlebots and Mythbusters. There was too much reality show and TLC stuff to wade through to be appealing to me otherwise. Even at $5 I couldn't justify continuing to pay for it. Now, again, I don't really think about going back.


Xemone t1_iy76inv wrote

Having messed up messages is more problematic when the subject matter at hand is family/kids shows since kids will actually take the messages to heart many times. While messed up messages in adult programming is still bad because it's meant to be taken more seriously and should have more complex stories and messages, I don't think it's as much of an issue there because adults typically don't carry as many messages from shows as kids do, and they can usually use their own logic to identify when a message is bad and why it is bad.

Many of these examples are from kids/family shows so I think they're reasonable arguments to be made.


Xemone t1_iugik18 wrote

I considered that, but they have That's So Raven and The Proud Family on Disney+. They did remove him from the sequels (Raven's Home and the new The Proud Family) but he's still in the original shows. Also, they still have Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off while even putting his character on the custom thumbnail for the listing on Disney+.


Xemone t1_iuekqqw wrote

Sometimes, that is the case, but Fillmore doesn't stream anywhere else, and I don't think I've ever seen it streamed anywhere in the past. I guess it's possible that some company owns the rights without ever putting the show on their service, but I'd think those rights would have expired by now. I was once told that there just wasn't enough demand for it to have it be a priority, but there are many extremely obscure things with much fewer fans/people who even remember those things exist on Disney+ so I can't imagine that's the reason either. Its quite weird.


Xemone t1_iuef5a9 wrote

Fillmore. Absolutely love that show, but it's still not on Disney+, and I don't know why. I googled it before posting really quick to make sure that was still the case, and apparently they put Fillmore on the UK version of Disney+ earlier this year but not anywhere else. :(


Xemone t1_itqlc6h wrote

It didn't used to be much of a problem for me back when I watched most TV shows on TV, because I'd usually watch slowly (week after week) and frequently watch reruns when the show was in syndication as I waited for the next season. However, with streaming, it's becoming more common for me to forget. I'm not the type to binge, its just that having the show available to watch whenever I want, making my watching habits wholly random and unreliable, and not really feeling compelled to watch it more in the interim between seasons because now there's just so much stuff to watch elsewhere makes it so I forget things more.

That's my theory for my situation anyway because my memory has become absolute garbage as a whole over time, so maybe I'm way off. lol