
Xmanticoreddit t1_j14lvoq wrote

Reply to comment by albertowtf in [image] Be kind by _Cautious_Memory

When we are calm enough to pay attention we can get into a mindset where we can start to think about asking and actually hear what is really being said beneath people's polite reassurances that there's nothing wrong, and they will then feel start to feel safe enough to be honest with us.


Xmanticoreddit t1_j14lj4a wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in [image] Be kind by _Cautious_Memory

The focus should be given to the environment in which people are expected to perform in certain emotionally deaf or dishonest ways and the conversations should be driven to get people to think about empathy, suffering and honesty.

It's extremely difficult work that I have yet to see even professionals do flawlessly, but it's also extremely rewarding to rewire oneself to think that way because, I would assert, it cures many diseases, physical, psychological and social in nature and is the beginning of the most important progress inside of any collective.


Xmanticoreddit t1_iztu0zv wrote

Imagine if we used the internet for something constructive that wasn't pared down into a "marketplace" of ideas, but rather became a central conversation for the most important ideas, where you didn't need a presence to have a valid contribution, merely an opinion that could be voiced with a vote, a non-binary vote with the freedom to change one's opinion at any given moment, to elaborate on one's thought processes and learn from others.

Imagine if the statistics from that process were available to all people everywhere, and the output was verifiable such that it wasn't subject to any of the kinds of trickery we see in a divided, corporate-controlled world such as we currently live in.

Could we build a conversation out of logical filters and linguistic indices that would lead us to the answers we seek, if the process were truly educational and not just feeding the whims of a billion narcissistic aims?

If the beliefs were studied, versus being codified, could we not eventually find a calculus of human thought that eviscerated the authoritarian structures that now influence us, which we have been attempting to overthrow for millennia as raging loners, dying in the darkness, unheard?

If this was a useful project, would it not direct the path of future human evolution, by giving us a strong notion of who we are and what we really want, instead of doing this same old tired work of attempting to define or codify morality subjectively?

I say "subjectively" because of all of the instances of people blindly struggling to incorporate the topic of subjectivity into the conversation here. We are struggling with the automation of autocracy and that can't be overcome with a purely subjective perspective, creating a significant open code dilemma/solution issue.

Can we ever truly have a notion of what morality means if we can't do something which should be as simple as this, given that the technology to do so has existed for decades already, in the face of ubiquitous public confusion and frustration over it's absence (the absence of ANY solution that we can all agree on, that is)?
