
XxSexyPotatOxX t1_jb51502 wrote

As the glow of the moon shined in her eyes as it reflected from my silver sword. I had been tasked with slaying this vampiress for attacking the village's livestock.

Her cold, unwavering gaze struck mine as equal. We were ready to kill one another, but for some strange reason, she fled! It was a chase on foot. Even though I was merely human, I could keep up after decades of training. The woods were running thinner and thinner until we ended up facing a castle that expanded farther than I could see. From a window leapt a shadowed figure and landed infront of me.

"I'm guessing you are her sister", I exclaimed.

She smirked and answered; "Who might you be?"

"Constantine the Eastern, vampire hunter for sport, baker for a living!"

Before I could say another word, they froze in place they were frozen by... fear! Was I that well-known?! For a moment I was flattered, but then I realised, I felt a cold stare and I couldn't even tell where it was coming from.

In an instant I witnessed two vampiresses kneel before me, as I thought. A looming figure exited the mansion, a sharply dressed man, taller than any I have ever seen steadily approached us. Both the vampiresses turned their look to the ground, trembling with fear.

As I was preparing for the battle of my life, the huge vampire spoke; "I am really quite sorry for the trouble, could I help with your task, if I may know what it is?"

I was in shock, I didn't know what I could say in this situation, and I didn't need to speak yet, because He spoke again.

"Oh where are my manners excuse me for my rudeness, I am Jonathan, you may address me as John. In my understanding you are Constantine, right?"

I... fainted from shock, I had no option but to collapse, the first vampire is infront of me and he is... polite?


XxSexyPotatOxX t1_j9ceue3 wrote

Just another day in this awful reality. Supers fighting each other for shits and giggles, without caring about how the normal people are affected.

A huge fight is going on in the city centre between the forces of "good" and evil. Many "heroes" and villains have gathered for a big fight to see who will take control. Buildings are being brought down, people are getting crushed, dismembered and massacred by the hundreds, the rest are running for their lives.

Amidst the chaos, a dude walks up to a "wounded hero," offering his hand to pick him up from the crater that was created from the impact of the "hero" falling. We all were ready for the classic trope of a retired "hero" coming for help, and so did the "hero", but what happened next was... unnatural.

The guy looked a little off, his whole body, except his head, was covered by a makeshift armour, his arms and legs were full of metal spikes. As the "hero" put his hand out for help, the other guys face turned from a look of calm to a look of rage and hatred and then he started going to work, he put all his strength into every blow and meaning to hurt with every strike that landed.

By the time the guy was done, the "hero" was... not in the best shape, his eyes had popped out of their sockets, his jaw was unhinged, his ribbs were protruding out of his body, his arms and legs twisted and contorted. We were all ready for the earthquake that came after every time that a super kills another by accident, but it never came.

All the supers stopped fighting, a look of true pain took over their faces, and they trembled as if something was seriously hurting them from the inside. Another super filled with anger flew down from the skies and grabbed the guy by the neck and lifted him from the ground. We all stood in shock, not knowing what was happening until a gunshot echoed through the now silent city. The super that grabbed the armoured guy stood their, unflinching, and that was because his brains were now the new paintjob of the wall next to him, but again, no earthquake.

Quickly we realised what had transpired, normal people can kill supers and the supers were outnumber. A riot started hundreds of thousands of people going after supers, people were getting cut in half, some supers had so many bullet holes that they resembled swiss cheese more than anything, people were getting crushed by cars and buildings, supers were getting stabbed to death and violence was everywhere.

At one point the army came and we were ready to face the wrath of our government because it had some supers on payroll so they didn't hurt any normal people. But instead of them attacking us, they helped they started bringing one super down after the other, until they realised it was a losing battle for the supes. Some flew away, some teleported, others dug holes and others started running.

After the fighting was over, we started counting bodies and celebrating our freedom from the false "gods" that were torturing us. But we never found the first guy, nor dead nor alive. We all knew his face. We all knew his legacy, but he was nowhere to be found. We didn't know if he was an angel sent by God or just man fed up with our tormentors, but we all know he was a hero.


XxSexyPotatOxX t1_iynyeqf wrote

Sooooo... I became a best seller author at 14 years old, idk I'm good at writing I've been doing it since I could write. Surprisingly that hasn't made me a celebrity in my school at any point, guess it's because the only people that actually read books except me and the teachers are what people would call "nerds" but that's not the point, the point is that my writing has recently started being used in our school books.

That started like 2 years ago and now that I'm a senior high school student we are driving into some more "complex" literature and I was excited, because I thought we would be done with my writing, until a few weeks ago.

We started a new book, my book called "The ashes of knights" good little old medieval adventure fantasy, not something deep just a knight that lost his clan to magic users trying to get revenge by killing all magic users in the world but realizing that not all of them are bad because he fell in love with a witch. Good old love trope, big fights and a few twists here and there, spoiler warning: the end is our hero taking revenge for his dead knights by using the magic passed over from his dead love.

Well fuck me cause for some reason the teacher has made everything I've wrote into this book to an elaborate and as she calls it "beautiful" analogy for life and love and struggle of the normal man against the tyranny of the upper class and how women have to get empowerd and it goes on and on and on... I'm not saying that those messages are necessarily bad but... I didn't write that, not purposely at least, I just tried to write a fun and emotional experience for everyone. It's not my fault that using magic would make you most probably rich if you were a bad person, neither is it my problem that I like making a variety of characters so that my readers can relate. Woooo I'm so "bold" for making a female character have muscles and be strong, no fuckhead I have a crush on leanbeefpatty da fuck you mean I made it to empower women.

The worst part is that I can't say it wasn't purposely, it would make me look really bad in her eyes and probably most of my classmates eyes. I want an out and I'm trying to make her stop reading my stuff in the class just so it's "fair" homework wise because "I know what I've written", instead she told my I don't need to do homework for her class anymore (W) but instead I'll be giving tips to my classmates (L), the same classmates that haven't read a book in their life and the only thing they do is waste their day on the internet writing stupid shit in the comments of people also saying stupid shit.

I want out RIGHT NOW but I think I'm even going deeper.