
Xyver t1_j5r0m85 wrote

The faster you talk to him the better. Few weeks isn't so bad, but there will be a time where he's totally moved on and your confession will be meaningless. Or worse, it will be meaningful AFTER he's spent his time healing, and you'll break things all over again. Faster is better here


Xyver t1_j2ce9ur wrote

Semi related answer, yes I know there is a noticable time delay for sending signals for the brain to your feet/hands, something in the range of 50-100ms. I assume that since it's an actual electrical signal travelling through the nerves, further things take longer.

But the exciting thing is, that is way slower than the speed of a signal through a wire. So for someone with a prosthetic leg, if you get the signals from the brain stem and send them through wires (or other digital means) to muscles/actuators in a robot leg, you would make faster reflexes and response times.