
YABoolejan t1_isjizfc wrote

As I said that is exactly what some nurses were trying to do during the pandemic when their employer tried suing them and force them to keep working for the company. So the issue is more that managers just don't seem to understand that if they want to keep people working for them they have to actually listen to their issues. "Just work somewhere else lul" is not an argument against unions. Just as "just move to a better place" is not an argument against trying to stop climate change


YABoolejan t1_isje3z5 wrote

Yesss you finally pulled "poor Redditor just jealous" card! Classic. Guess I just got destroyed by facts and logic. I understand that business owners have to keep their business alive. What I dislike is that they think their shareholders are more important than they employees. That's why unions are a good way to put pressure on those suits and remind them of the needs of their workforce.

And yes I am just a Redditor ranting about the economy of a foreign country, but that's because to me the US' system is so obviously fundamentally broken that it's baffling as to why so many people seem to just be okay with it


YABoolejan t1_isjc9ad wrote

And the hard work and skills of medical staff is what keep us alive! Shouldn't we ensure that they can live a good life because that will ultimately make life better for everyone who has to get healthcare (which is everyone at some point)? Like yeah sure CEOs got their "grindset" or whatever but how many people did they have to exploit and leave in the dust to get there? If they wouldn't care as much about their profit then I wouldn't care as much either. But the fact that most CEOs of large companies are more focussed on their own gain than the well-being of their workers is just so evil to me

Edit: and also: maybe CEOs have such a hard time getting a new job that isn't CEO because they lack basic skills you need for most jobs


YABoolejan t1_isjav47 wrote

No one individual deserves or needs that much money. Not artists, not entrepreneurs. Hospital CEOs are one of the worst when it comes to this. Intentionally understaffing their facilities to the point of mentally breaking their personell, yet making millions themselves and then blaming (or even suing) their workers for wanting to quit and find a better job. It's nonsense


YABoolejan t1_isj9w7f wrote

Maybe it'd help if CEOs didn't take millions in salaries for themselves and used that to pay their workers. Companies like apple don't have to pass down the increase in wages to be their customers. And we've seen that they can just price hike their iPhones to 1000€ for the base tier model and people still buy it. So either was this wouldn't be that big of an issue. Just pay your people a living wage and give them healthcare, Jesus Christ!


YABoolejan t1_isj4u9m wrote

Of course but that's why we need unions. To give power to the workers who don't inherently have as much leverage.

And also as we've seen with Amazon recently, warehouse workers aren't as abundant anymore when your turnover rate is above 100% per year.

But since I'm not from the US maybe I just don't know anything about anything :D


YABoolejan t1_isirsr3 wrote

Why do so many people here dislike unions?! In my country it's like the most normal thing ever. Why would anyone think it's a bad thing to have more leverage over your rights in a company?

Edit: but my country also has universal healthcare so I guess y'all just weird :P