
Yakassa t1_iu8kgo5 wrote

Something was not right. Something was very much not right. I could not feel anything but a hint of loneliness and regret. Where was the violence echoing, the psychopathy, the criminality and willful ignorance? Where was the hubris that made it all possible? Whenever i came to this plane of existence it was always there. There was at least something. But this felt off.

I looked at what my senses made me believe to be the singular source what i craved and kept me anchored in this plane.

"it...it worked.." he stammered. Looking at me wide eyed. It took me a second to realize that he was not on the ground, he was flying in mid air. Flying without wings, without technology i looked around and noticed i could not realize any sort of ecliptic. I was flying as well... or rather floating in this strange room. It looked like a tube 4 meters across. Mostly white to beige with Human machines littering each and every surface.

I tried to get closer to the human but as i was floating i was just flailing my arms and legs around starting to spin and slowly float in the opposite direction.

"Calm down" he said holding one hand up and another one behind him. I sensed he held something. A Weapon of sort. Wearing gray clothes with a red badge showing a ball printed on it was "Singularity Lab Mykanda"

"Where am i! What is this?" i finally asked. I was at the end of my wits. Holding on to some railing at the end of the room holding myself to the wall to at least get a semblance of reality back.

"You are in Space." he said. And it dawned on me. They have advanced beyond what we thought was possible. Indeed, no pull. No Gravity, that explains it.

I probed his mind, staring at the human intensely and made it in. But nothing made sense as well. Yes base emotions where all there. language aswell, but there was something wrong. Something was off. I blinked and exited, trying to take over, to enthrall him was dangerous without first figuring out what this was. I looked around and saw a black surface, i squinted and saw what looked like stars.

"Go ahead look outside, that will explain everything." he said. still keeping his distance.

'Outside', what a relieve. I slowly made my way towards this window of his grabbing carefully whatever i could get a hold off, trying to press my body at the wall as not to float into the middle and possibly get stuck there like a moth that feel into a cup of water. Eventually i made it and looked out. What i saw beggared belief. A strange black sun, with a violent disk was in the distance, but towering infront was a giant planet, dark and almost glowing.

"The big one is a brown dwarf. We call it Mykanda. The Black hole in the distance is PS49X we are currently in the Pegasus galaxy. You cant see the milky way from here, its too bright here, too many gases. You know why i summoned you?" he finally said.

How is this possible. He mentioned black hole and a galaxy. The last time i heard about it was when the humans just finished their second world war. When they experimented with weapons by splitting atoms. It was 1956 then. How long has it been since? I tried to remember. But came up blank. I turned my head away from the window and looked at some of the monitors, one of them, displaying graphs that didnt concern me hid the information in the top right corner. April 29. 2719

"its been 760 years!" I shouted.

"Thats how long you where gone? Incredible!"

"I demand to know what this is about." I had it. If anyone knew about scheming and setting up traps it was me, and this reeked like one. One for me!

He laughed and smiled "Honestly i was lonely i work alone here, and i cannot leave. There is nothing and nobody here. There also wont be."

I relaxed a bit, he was being truthful, yet still not saying everything. Seems my intuition was right, he was lonely. Not maddeningly so, but close to getting there eventually. There was no one close by. But still something was not right, i should at least feel the echoes of long past worlds, their death-throws, something that could sustain me on a low level. "Why wont there be anyone else here?" I asked.

He looked towards a larger monitor and without touching anything the monitor started display what i presumed to be a simplified model of the station and the surrounding celestial objects. "This station was build to study the effects of time and reality itself. At this point" a red circle was drawn around what i assume is this vessel "is in a sense disconnected from most of the universe. This rouge brown dwarf is going to fall into the black hole in a couple of years. The station itself orbits it and there is nothing we can do to stop it." He looked a bit sad, when he said it.

I started to feel what he meant. The blackhole was indeed a deep dark hole, like a headache moving slowly across my skull i could sense its presence. It was pure terrifying nothingness. It was terrifying. "What is your name?" i finally asked.

"Felix Opton, and yours?" he asked.

"Aliana the corrupter " i said with a smile, that quickly vanished as i realized one very important thing. He didnt lie, he truly believed that there was no way out. Which meant that i was stuck here. Doomed to fall into the hole. I could harm him, he was the only mortal around. There was nothing else. I got angry "Why have you done this!" I pounded with my fist on the side of the vessel, smashing some machine in the process. Shortly afterwards the area was underlined with a red light and tiny insectlike machines, came crawling over the surface, crawling over me to get to the spot where my rage was concentrated. They where repairing it right infront of my eyes.

"Dont do that please. If you break it, you will just fall into the blackhole. Alone." he showed his right hand now. Holding a gun. It looked a bit different from what i remembered but all in all it was probably one of these fine instruments of death the humans where so fond of. "I dont think i im going to need this. "You where part of my research. We figured out that Demons are infact real" Pointing at me. "Well at least in one special reality, not in this one. But in the one i was researching you exist as energy riding along the magnetic field of the earth. We use a captured naked singularity and connect with to probes we sent into the blackhole. Via this method we can access a multitude of realities, when i found yours i knew i wouldnt be alone anymore. You are energy, information in a sense. Simply accessing it, turned you into...well you. And as i am the only source of nourishment for you. It would be unwise for you to harm me in any way. All the data get sent home. There is nobody else but me, so lets get comfortable with each other, Aliana."


Yakassa t1_iu4bxo5 wrote

The Secret of the Magical Chalice of Washington

LoPo series Pilot Written by Seliana Uruday
first Published 2810

It was a the best and the worst times, all at once for Jiang Fang dong. A Sorcerer from the Chinese Empire who is about to land using an Aeroplane to travel to new york. He was tired as flying is still a long and grueling exercise. Hounded into tiny wooden cells to cram as many people as possible in.

In the dim candlelight he was reading on his iPhone what his mission was.

Infiltrate Whitest House and retrieve the Magical Chalice that creates infinite gold for the Americans.

The Chinese Elder Bo xi lai has sent him personally. China tried for years to figure out why the Americans despite everything are so unfathomably wealthy. When one of their Mainframe got hacked by elite shaolin monks they found references to the Magical Chalice of Midas.

He existed the Aeroplane and directly called for a carriage to take him to Washington. Flashing his Diplomatic Visa Card the driver gave him a friendly nod, he yelled: "The whitest house, NOW!" The Yellow carriage cracked its whip and the 10 Dogs that where pulling it where giving it their all.

A while later he arrived. It was just about 18 hours into the night and a large shining building towered over the hobbles and wooden dwellings of its subjects.

He made his way slowly towards the whitest house, the closer he got the richer and luxurious everything became. First it was golden Gaslamps that lit up the Street. Then curbs made out of solid gold and when he was so close that the tower would not fit in his field of view any longer. Even the Streets where paved with gold.

"I must be getting close!" he mumbled to himself. When he had to hide behind a large boulder to evade a patrol passing by.

He overheard them saying that the king was about to leave to visit his friend david to camp. He used his Transphasic cloaking device and made his way towards the drawbridge. Standing still so the guards would not notice him.

"Attention! His highness King MacArthur has left the building!" Jiang Fang looked in awe, the entourage of the king was streaming through the gate. Combustible cars, already on fire where speeding out, it followed a carriage made out of pure gold with a giant letter A on the back. "this is him!" Drones and battlerobots where marching behind at a fast pace.

But there was no indication that the chalice was onboard. He continued infiltrating the whitest house, most of the kings guard has left with him, so getting towards the department of treasury was childs play.

He entered the combination the monks provided to him "oldwarrior69fadeto420" . The giant door opened and what he saw was nothing but astounding, a room as large as the largest spaceport hangar was filled with mounds and mounds of Gold, Platinum and Uranium. He couldnt believe his eyes. In the middle on a pedestal stood his price. The chalice!

He unpacked his drone and locked target coordinates. Then using a stick of Dynamite he blew a whole into the Vaults side and the drone flew out with the chalice in his claws. At that moment the alarm sounded. He hurried jumping out of the Hole and with a combat roll landed 30 meters on the ground running. The Searchlights have been turned on and he could hear Flak and other Antiaircraft fire trying to shoot down the drone.

He looked up and ran turning a corner he got knocked out by a Football bat. None other then the King MacArthur himself knocked him out cold. "So now look who the cat dragged in."

The End?

Will Jiang escape from King MacArthurs court? Will he perish? Will the Drone be intercepted? Will China overtake the American economy? If this story receives 50 Creds in 1 day you will be able to read the thrilling conclusion.


Yakassa t1_iu1vu2w wrote

"this is a completely ridiculous test" Sara's frustration was obvious as she had her interview with the Consulate of the Pacific States.

The Ai, a image of a young man designed to invoke familiarity as well as authority in her, dressed in a suit answered "Sara, Calm down, these questions are an important part of your evaluation."

The problem was that the AI worked with incomplete information, it guessed Sara's personality based on what is available to it. Which thanks to the Sanctions and the brooding cold war is basically only what she provided in her application form.

"I dont know the difference. Ok lets say A." she chose the first picture and it got highlighted.

"Sara, i think you are guessing. Ok lets come back to this question later." It paused and took a deep breath. Sara just rolled her eyes at the sight. "What are the dangers of AI, like me becoming involved in executive decision making processes."

Sara got up and wave towards the screen annoyed and frustrated she barked "Are you kidding me with these questions?" she gestured wildly with her arms, "If i say, 'oh i hate it'" turning her head away from the screen looking around in the empty room and shouting "I said, IF. Not that i mean it, its a hypothetical! These Terrans..." she returned to stare at the screen with the ai made to appear to listen "guess what? Best case, i lose my citizenship and i cant return, worst case, i go to jail." She sat down again, trying to compose herself "If i say 'Oh you are dummies for not living like we do' let me guess, my application will be rejected. Thirdly. An AI is making a decision about me right now, you are, the audacity to even include such a question"

"Sara, there currently exists Diplomatic privacy between us, your government is not listening. Please answer the question" It responded calmly, smiling.

Sara waited for a second or two. "Ok, yes, its a danger. People are People and while we are not perfect we can at least try to be better to each other" she said and stopped.

"Thank you Sara." it paused and its face changed in an almost apologetic shape: "I am sorry to tell you that in regards to your Evaluation of Humanity, you have not passed the basic requirements."

Sara just gave the bird to the screen and shouted "Oh fuck off, you racist assholes, i am human. My grandmother was born on Earth!"

She switched off the connection with the AI. Officially ending the interview. She called Pedro.

It rang almost a minute until he picked up. "Sorry babe was in the metro, got off now. You got it?" he said. Followed by a beep

She sighed out, "Pedro, i have been rejected. Again this is the third time. I cant apply anymore. I cant come, i am sorry."after a short pause she released the transmit button.

A few seconds later Pedro responded "My love, i dont know what to do now? I cant come to Luna. I just cant, your government says that i am 'Antisocial' for being a knucklehead 12 years ago trolling lunans online, i was a freaking child. I just cant come." beep

"Well, and yours says that im not human enough, or not anymore. So i cant come." she released the button to send, in the meanwhile she looked up transit visa rules, they may be able to meet on mars. Their last option as getting a Visa for Mars was considerably easier for both of them as they remained rather neutral to the Terran Lunan cold war. They could maybe take the same vessel. Spend months together, it was a nice dream but neither of them could afford it. In that moment she received his answer, switching back to the conversation.

"You know, we are not all wrong. I mean you are 'genotically' speaking not really human anymore, you people like added stuff that made you able to live there better. I mean i can understand the laws, we should not let like everyone in. We need to make sure the right people can come, thats why they ask you people these questions to check if you are still human enough" He paused..."i mean the questions are stupid, yeah and should be reworked, but the concept is ok" beep

Sara put her hand to her face "Pedro, your earth governments are a corrupt hellhole, all of em, a complete scam. You work your ass off 12 hours a day and you barely have enough money to eat food. So please just shut up with your weird antics, not today please. Not in the mood for it. I think mars is the only option now. We gotta do it" she released the button.

"Sara, Mars? Are you kidding me? I cant afford that and you cant afford that either. Not with me being a slave to my Oligarch right? Ooh look at me so enslaved. Come on, at least when you come here that damn computer hitler of yours wont be looking over our shoulders the ...."

Connection Terminated

Appeared on the Screen. Pedros contact information have been deleted. A Priority call hogged the Screen now, her only option available was to pick it up.

A man in his late 40s with a disheveled looking gray uniform and field cap was on the screen. "Apollo City Security force officer Cassra here, Mrs. Parks, Selene has disconnected you with some terran just now and asked me to tell you that Pedro Smith from the Las Vegas in the Pacific States of America has been declared a Persona Non Grata. What was your relationship to him?"

Sara looked at the screen, "You know what my relationship to Pedro was".

Cassra sighed. "No, Mrs Parks. Contrary to popular believe we dont have access to this. But from your response i presume Boyfriend?"

Sara laughed "You know, i think not anymore. He really is just an intolerant piece of work. I see it now. Completely deluded with Terran Propaganda. We should just get it over with and nuke em all."

Cassra started chuckling "yoyoyo hold your horses MacArthur. We are not nuking your Ex Boyfriend" he started laughing. Sara also started to crack and snicker to herself. "Mrs Parks, i think we are good, have a nice evening." he hung up unlocking the terminal.

Sara kept chuckling to herself for a few seconds, the chuckles then slowly turned into cries and tears started to pool in her eyes. She shook her head rapidly, letting tears fly through her small apartment and dried her eyes with her sleeve. She tried to look for a Picture of Pedro. She wanted to look at him. Her idiotically and still somewhat racist now forced to be ex-boyfriend. She couldnt find any. All have been deleted. All chat records, gone. Its like he didnt exist. Even the search through the heavily redacted and restricted Net came up empty. On Luna, Pedro didnt exist anymore.

She turned off her terminal. She wondered how his weird tirade would have ended if it where not disconnected. She was mad at him for believing such nonsense. She wanted to show him that it was all lies and that they where better and the Terrans should learn and adopt their ways. Politics where always an issue between the two. So they avoided it whenever possible.

She mumbled to herself "23 Months and 3 days. And i have never even met the guy, and wont ever. All because those Animals think im an Alien." staring at the ceiling 230 Meters under the Lunar surface in Mare Tranquillitatis.