
YankeeKuya t1_j6g8r4m wrote

I think the dark side would become a largely lifeless frozen tundra and the light side would become a largely lifeless desert hellscape with the possibility of some life surviving on the fringes where the sun is low in the sky. Humans would not survive the transition.


YankeeKuya t1_j14zhee wrote

Sentience is not easy to determine. Or at all possible with the tools we have now. There's no clear scientific description of consciousness. Is microscopic life currently sentient? It doesn't seem so from my perspective, but we don't actually know. Is there something that it's like to be a microscopic life form? Possibly. Is there something that it's like to be an ant? Do any creatures have subjective conscious experience? Is it at all similar to what it's like to be human? Unlikely is my best guess but there's actually no way to know. I think there probably are ranges of sentience between different types of life. I'm pretty certain my dog feels love but is it like the love I feel for him? These are all interesting philosophical questions we don't have answers to. I think it's safe to assume that all creatures should be treated with dignity and respect so as not to bring unnecessary suffering into the universe. And no, I don't believe disinfecting the countertop is bacterial genocide.