Yavin4Reddit t1_jdhsl6b wrote
Reply to comment by experimentalshoes in LPT: Use your calendar as your to-do list. Assigning dedicated time to tasks increases the likelyhood of you acting upon it. by human_marketer
GTD is another book that has been weaponized by middle management but lionized by owners and executives.
Yavin4Reddit t1_jdhdpq4 wrote
Reply to comment by CavediverNY in LPT: Use your calendar as your to-do list. Assigning dedicated time to tasks increases the likelyhood of you acting upon it. by human_marketer
Remember to fill in the sand/all the little free moments throughout the day with even more work and no downtime! That’s the lesson my managers and GTD pounded into my head, there’s always room for you to be doing more work.
Yavin4Reddit t1_iypo2qn wrote
I’ve never owned a dog. Is that why I don’t believe in myself?
Yavin4Reddit t1_jdhsp47 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in LPT: Use your calendar as your to-do list. Assigning dedicated time to tasks increases the likelyhood of you acting upon it. by human_marketer
Agreed. If your work time is sheer burnout chaos, no amount of better non-work time will offset that.