
YeahIveDoneThat t1_j6gnmpv wrote

Reply to comment by Ryanh412 in Damn, KDKA by montani

No. I'm not. Anyone who has a face tattoo of a tear drop is a wannabe gangster. Find me a single counter example. You know, we're able to make certain inferences from observable data, right? You can understand that can't you? Sure, do I know with 100% certainty? No. But can I be like 5-sigma certain? Abso-fucking-lutely.


YeahIveDoneThat t1_j6d48yk wrote

Reply to comment by aboutsider in Damn, KDKA by montani

Face tattoos, neck tattoos, the hat, I mean, I'm certainly an assumption based on the pictures, but I'd wager a fair bit of money on being spot-on.


YeahIveDoneThat t1_j671ckd wrote

Reply to comment by Ryanh412 in Damn, KDKA by montani

Lol, that's actually a good question. Well, I think actual gangsters are, like, rare. It's not something you really see daily. The people you see that have the aura of gangster are trying to wear the costume they view as having either power or social currency. Ie, they want to be gangster; they want the power it implies.

This phenomenon is really common actually. In poor over-policed areas, you'll see people driving white Chevy Caprice or Impala cars because they are a reflection of the power those people view the police as having. They're basically wearing "car costumes" of the police. I don't remember the details, but this was also observed in British controlled India as well.

It is a social phenomenon for how either oppressed or disempowered groups respond to the "other."


YeahIveDoneThat t1_j66kqqc wrote

Reply to Damn, KDKA by montani

Wannabe gangsters dies a gangsters death. ... I mean, this is basically what Chappelle joked "When keeping it real goes wrong."

Every death is a tragedy, but am I going to be shocked when speeding into a brick wall results in a crash? No, it was the logical outcome the choices.


YeahIveDoneThat t1_j1wk76s wrote

I'm sorry this happened to you. I would recommend doing a Gofundme to try and raise some funds. I've had good luck with that for other tragedies.

For everyone else, please use this tragedy as a lesson to protect yourselves. I just signed up for renters insurance (checked Geico and Liberty Mutual) and for, like, $10/mo you can protect yourself against this kind of horrible situation.


YeahIveDoneThat t1_j1c0m7b wrote

Um, EVs use roughly 1000x the Cobalt of my laptop. Also, don't know if you read the headline of the article we're talking about but we're aligning National policy to push for greater quantities of EV sales. Now, do you think that will make the demand for Cobalt go up or down? I know it's a hard problem to think about for you, but let me make it clear: if you demand more Cobalt, then more kids are dragged into the mines, more kids die in mining accidents and an entire population of people halfway round the world suffers toxic metal poisoning so that you stroke yourself off about how "green" you are.


YeahIveDoneThat t1_iui84cx wrote

Can you give an example? I try to not watch TV so I don't see these or any other ads. Generally speaking though, I'm not about suppressing speech even when I disagree with it. Is someone allowed to advocated for bills of that variety? Yeah. Do I like those bills? No. That's the cost of not living in a dictatorship though.


YeahIveDoneThat t1_itnq0bm wrote

Good thing everyone has health insurance.... oh. Well, I guess it makes sense because the government wasn't directly helping Pfizer and Moderna make money hand over fist for this roll-out .... oh. Well... great job to both the Trump and Biden administrations for this large transfer of wealth to Big Pharma! And, we're totally right to trust them, they've never lied to us before and certainly never pushed dangerous and faulty drugs on the American people before... oh.


YeahIveDoneThat t1_itnocuh wrote

Ok, let's just assume that's correct. Does getting the vaccine stop you from getting Covid? No. It does not. Therefore, you're unnecessarily accumulating risk factors. By unnecessarily vaccinating, you're simply adding vaccine induced myocarditis risk to underlying background risk and covid-induced risk. Do you understand what I'm saying?
