
YoProfWhite t1_jada582 wrote

Sounds terribly exhausting. You must really love her to be willing to put in this much effort. Of course, if she really loved you back then she wouldn't be okay with you deciding to leave.

It sounds like one of you already knows this relationship is dead and the other is left dancing with a corpse full of bile.


YoProfWhite t1_jac90wa wrote

Sit her down and say "this is not how I want us to have confrontations, if you keep doing this, then I won't be around anymore."

Frankly, it sounds like you're seen as someone who will always come back, no matter how childish they behave. Give them a wake up call and tell them to cut this shit out. She isn't 19 anymore and this isn't a mature way of dealing with things.


YoProfWhite t1_jac1zm0 wrote

That all sounds really awful. Here's what you do:

  1. break it off. The worst your family can do is go "aw that's a shame :/"
  2. enjoy being free from someone who antagonizes you.
  3. spend the next three years working out and getting absolutely shredded.
  4. find this dude again and then rip him in half like a phonebook.

I think you'll be much happier without all this mess.


YoProfWhite t1_jabzaxy wrote

Sounds like you should make an attempt to save it, although with the knowledge that it may never happen. It sounds like he got hardcore shamed by church elders into leaving you behind (they probably gave him a serious guilt trip).

Ironically, I would say that you should do a hail-mary throw and tell him that you have strong romantic feelings for him and want to try dating him. If he says no, then that's that.

Good luck and here's hoping it all works out.


YoProfWhite t1_jabwqu2 wrote

There is a certain point where a person's laziness becomes internalized as "I just need directions."

I would say, for the sake of the relationship, to give it one chance. Write out a list of chores, expectations, and etc. Present them to your husband and say "these are the things we both need to do to keep things going" which should be a subtle hint saying "this is what needs to be done for me to stay."

If he doesn't improve after that, then he never will and you'll have to ask yourself if you're okay raising 2 kids and one giant baby.

Its a tough call, but if you are financially and emotionally capable of leaving, then you may have to.


YoProfWhite t1_jabw582 wrote

That does sound rather cruel. There is certainly a lot of frustration floating around the house.

I would say that you should attempt to do a quid-pro-quo situation. Do something he likes in exchange for a favor you want. While he shouldn't NEED to have a favor given to him in exchange for basic house chores, he may be in a mind space that would appreciate that sort of situation.

If that doesn't work, then you may need to have a serious discussion about your health, how the relationship is stagnating, and what you want to do to save it.

If he takes it badly, then you may have to weigh your options for moving on. Being in a toxic situation long term, especially with health issues to deal with ontop of everything else, is going to leave you in a place that is REALLY hard to get out of.

You're still relatively young and could bounce back from a shitty marriage. I've dated divorced people and had wonderful times. You have options, don't forget that.


YoProfWhite t1_jabmdmr wrote

I was in a situation like this way back when. My old gf was ready to hop into bed before I was ready and we had to take it a bit slow (which frustrated her quite badly).

I would say that this guy is either hesitant to push into the physical aspects (which has nothing to do with you) or doesn't want to come off as overly sexual. I would say that engaging in smaller acts of touching can help make him more comfortable with being closer to you and will lead to more intimate acts.

It'll come with time. It isn't you doing anything wrong, he just probably doesn't want to fuck this up (ironically).


YoProfWhite t1_jabloac wrote

Sounds like you need to establish a clearer way of engaging and disengaging.

If these signs are being misinterpreted (on both sides), then you should try to find ones that you can both understand. If you don't want to just say "lets have sex" then you could come up with code phrases that essentially mean the same thing.

Mow the lawn = have sex

smell the flowers = just kiss

etc etc.
