
YodaScrotum t1_j694yoa wrote

I'm on my first read through of American Psycho now. I'm about 2/3 of the way through.

Patrick's relationship with music is interesting. He gives by far his most detailed (although still artificial feeling) explanations when talking about music, and has his walkman with him throughout the day, even when it would not provide any social benefit. In contrast, he states openly that he does not like live music (he says so while organizing a date, and another time at the U2 concert).

My theory is that he avoids live music for two reasons, the first being practical: incase he needs to give an opinion on a specific performance, he would not have an already written review to rely on, and can't/won't come up with an interpretation of his own.

The second is more abstract, but I think there's something there: music might be the only thing left that can make Patrick feel. For example, during the concert he and Bono lock eyes, and it is a momentary but intense experience for Patrick. These moments of intense feeling may highlight to him his inability to feel in other areas of life, so he avoids them all together. By sticking with CDs, he can rely on reviewers to do the feeling for him, and avoid coming to terms with his own ability to feel.

...or maybe I'm just talking out my ass. Either way, his clear interest in music paired with his disinterest in live music is interesting to think about.