
YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jdiyiqk wrote

If it’s effective enough, it will be useful anywhere. The excerpt you quoted might just simply be a way of marketing it so people are interested. “This can help poor people” is an effective way to garner interest in your work.


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jdiivjq wrote

I think these are supposed to be used at the point of waste generation rather than a waste processing facility.

Plus, if you know the binding capacity of the filter and the concentration of dye, you could simply use multiple filters and swap them after a set volume. Once the used filter is removed, you can probably leave them in the sun until it’s ready to be disposed. A low cost makes this pretty viable.


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jdhtmy7 wrote

It looks like the cellulose is supposed to grab the dyes out of the water, and the exposure to sunlight is supposed to break them down. Whether they exfiltrate after breaking down, nor whether those degradation products are safe, isn’t clear.

If it does exfiltrate and it is safe, it seems pretty low waste, though. Otherwise, you would probably have to either swap the filters or recharge with fresh cellulose (and incinerate the old cellulose).


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jdhsmu6 wrote

80% can be good, but it’s pretty dependent on what it is. Off the top of my head, I would think that an 80% removal would be helpful if other, more effective methods have lower throughput. So you could do bulk removal through this method, followed by further purification. This would be helpful if throughput is limited by the amount of contamination vs volume of water to purify.


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_jbrv60s wrote

There are many indirect risks, but the extent of the risk is pretty much unknowable. Maybe the vast majority of these viruses are degraded and no longer viable. Perhaps some were obsoleted by the evolution of more competitive relatives or stronger host immune systems. Perhaps the vectors and hosts are extinct and the virus has no means to naturally replicate. Maybe the one virus that manages to breakout is enough to do serious damage to the environment and society. Or maybe there are thousands of different catastrophes waiting to thaw from the ice.


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_j8oal0j wrote

We already know a bit about fructose and how it compares to other sugars. I would avoid assuming that this was some intentional 4D science chess maneuver, though. The only real reason high fructose corn syrup is used is because it is cheap. The money they earn from fructose getting people to buy more food pales in comparison to the amount of money they saved using corn syrup instead of sugar.


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_j51wjrb wrote

Thank you for the links and answer!

I wonder if the LNP’s may be behind some of the cases. There was a possible vaccine-induced myocarditis in the Novavax trial, which are LNPs with recombinant protein S. Although the the fact that it contains protein S may be confounding.


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_j4qmp40 wrote


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_j0hf37i wrote

High pressure liquid water can be used by life, as we have some examples on Earth like extremophiles and deep sea marine life.

I don’t know enough about supercritical fluids to answer that one. I think steam could be used by organisms, but I would presume that they would condense it to liquid water for their actual use.


YouAreGenuinelyDumb t1_ivs47r6 wrote

DNA encodes proteins. Enzymes are a type of protein that act as catalysts in your bodies metabolism. If you have a mutation that causes an enzyme to either not work or exist, you may need to replace it in order to properly digest food, eliminate toxins, or carry out basic metabolic activity.

A very common example is Lactaid. If you are lactose intolerant, you can take a pill containing lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose, so that you eat lactose containing foods without issue.