
YouConstant6590 t1_jbcp97j wrote

Hi! Plenty of sweet river spots here that are great for kids and have the same vibe as swimming holes. Yes, swimming holes are often freezing and can often have slippery entrances that make them a challenge with young kids. Safe travels!


YouConstant6590 t1_jb52s8w wrote

Hi! Washington Central is decent (U32 is better than the elem schools, which are okay). Lots of options in terms of towns to live in for this district - Berlin, East Montpelier, Rumney, Middlesex, Calais, etc., so more real estate options. Montpelier SD is also good, but itโ€™s so expensive to buy a house there that you may as well just go to Burlington. Waterbury is also decent. I would not recommend Barre or Northfield at all, in terms of school districts. Feel free to message me if you have other specific questions - I am a parent and teach in this area.