
YouMeAndPooneil t1_ivtvz2b wrote

I had the privilege of flying over these last July. The lines are immensely cool. They are one of those wonders that I had heard about since childhood so seeing them in person was, well, wonderful.

My exposure was from an older sibling reading Erich von Däniken's silly books and seeing some TV shows inspired by the books. But the lines captured my imagination. And the mystery still does.


YouMeAndPooneil t1_ivtv523 wrote

Motivation for human actions in prehistory is always speculative. That is it can never be shown to actually reflect the actual motivations of the actors because they didn't leave written accounts of their motivations. The best theory is that the lines on the desert floor were meant for observation by gods that lived in the sky.

The article states about the hillside figures,

>If the Nazca Lines were made by humans for the gods, these figures were made by humans for humans.

This quote alone is not particular helpful journalism because it just reflects a bare illogical opinion. The editor should have sent this back to the reporter for more context.